• Interactions Access Listening & Speaking
Interactions/Mosaic Silver Edition is a fully integrated, 18-book academic series. Language proficiencies are articuated across five ability levels (beginning through advanced) within each of the four language skill strands. Chapter themes articulate across the four skill strans to systematically recycle content, vocabulary, and grammar. Key Features: - Compelling global content appeals to the sophisticated, academic audience for Interactions/Mosaic - Ehanced focus on vocabulary building, test taking and critical thinking skills promotes academic achievement - Focus on Testing strategies and activities for TOEFL iBT preparation build invaluable test-taking strategies - Guided practice using a variety of graphic organizers provides students with organization tools for academic skill building - Skills index for each student book helps instructors match textbook content with curricular standards and objectives - Online Learning Center provides additional on-line practice activities About the Interactions e-Course -- Interactions e-Course now delivers the Interactions content digitally in a media-rich e-book that: - Offers maximum flexibility - anytime/anywhere access to media-rich content - Allows easy scoring, measuring and recording of student progress - Embeds student book, teacher's edition, audio, video, animations, photos and tests into one online application for easy access at the click of a button - Is ideal for self-study, homework, language lab, in-class and distance learning - Bundles with the Interactions textbooks to support blended learning.

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Interactions Access Listening & Speaking

  • Производитель: McGraw-Hill
  • Автор: Thrush
  • UPC: 2007
  • ID: 330742
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 8.90 р.