• Essentials of Surgery for Dental Students
There has been a constant demand for a text book in General surgery for students in dentistry, exclusively written for them. The book is specially designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of General Surgery subject as per the DCI curriculum for the BDS III year students. The aim of the book is to acquaint the students with various diseases, which may require surgical expertise and to train the student to analyze the history and be able to do a thorough physical examination of the patient. The diseases as related to head and neck region are to be given due importance, at the same time other relevant surgical problems are also addressed.

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Essentials of Surgery for Dental Students

  • Производитель: Elsevier
  • Автор: Rao S. Devaji
  • UPC: 2016
  • ID: 2962646
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 170.20 р.