• Clinical Pharmacology and Rational Theraupetics
This edition has been extensively revised and updated to include the latest drug additions in the field of pharmacology. The book now includes Learning Objectives at the beginning of every chapter so that the students know exactly what is expected of them. At the end of each chapter there are therapeutic problems and clinical exercises to make the learning more meaningful not only to students but also the practitioners. A new chapter on Alzheimers Disease is also added. The textbook is designed to help the students of medicine, dentistry, nursing and pharmacy to understand pharmacology and remember it better. It is concise and complete. It can also serve as a rapid reference to postgraduated and general practitioners who are short of time to refer to bigger textbooks.

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Clinical Pharmacology and Rational Theraupetics

  • Производитель: Elsevier
  • Автор: Rataboli
  • UPC: 2013
  • ID: 2993783
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 118.60 р.