• Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds: A Comprehensive Handbook in Four Volumes
The completely revised third edition of this four-volume classic is fully updated and now includes such topics as CH-activation and multicomponent reactions. It describes the most important reaction types, new methods and recent developments in catalysis. The internationally renowned editors and a plethora of international authors (including Nobel laureate R. Noyori) guarantee high quality content throughout the book. A must read for everyone in academia and industry working in this field.

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Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds: A Comprehensive Handbook in Four Volumes

  • Производитель: Wiley
  • Автор: Cornils Boy
  • UPC: 2017
  • ID: 3029947
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 1 831.00 р.