• Aero: Beginning to Now
In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the famed design studio, Aero covers the history and aesthetic of O'Briens landmark Soho/New York design studio and store. It is here at Aero that Thomas O'Brien formulated the warm modern look that brought him instant recognition in the early years of his career, leading to many of his acclaimed interiors. It is here, too, that as a young businessman OBrien planted creative roots in New York, merging downtowns industrial and artistic culture with the luxurious elegance of the pre-war city uptown. This book will give readers a glimpse into the evolution of O'Briens acclaimed design style through never before seen images of homes, products and the store itself. Heading into its twentieth year, Aero is a fixture in New Yorks downtown Soho neighbourhood. The Aero banner remains an emblem of Sohos modern arts and gallery legacy, as one of the original designer outposts in the area, and a destination for shoppers from around the city and the world.

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Aero: Beginning to Now

  • Производитель: Abrams
  • Автор: O'Brien Thomas
  • UPC: 2013
  • ID: 3352647
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 163.10 р.