• Ibiza Style
The sun-drenched Mediterranean island of Ibiza has been a magnet for creative and glamorous individuals since the 1960s. This beautifully produced book presents a stunning selection of interiors that have been created by this eclectic mix of inhabitants. With the colourful island as their common inspiration, the private homes and boutique hotels featured in Ibiza Style offer a rich variety of interior-design styles, from pretty, rustically furnished traditional fincas to suave, minimalist contemporary villas, and together give a unique and fascinating insight into the lifestyles of their creators. • Features thirty inspirational homes and distinctive hotels, each concisely and evocatively described by interiors expert Chloe Grimshaw • Lavishly illustrated with over 500 photographs by travel and interiors photographer Ingrid Rasmussen • An armchair escape and essential sourcebook for anyone passionate about interior style

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Ibiza Style

  • Производитель: Merrell Publishing
  • Автор: Ingrid Rasmussen
  • UPC: 2007
  • ID: 331018
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 106.40 р.