• Ant-Man: Season One
Legendary writer Tom DeFalco (Amazing Spider-Man) and acclaimed artist Horacio Domingues (Fantastic Four: True Story) bring you the origins of the original Avenger, Ant-Man! Hank Pym has had a life full of adventure and success, failure and humiliation! Known by a variety of names like Ant Man, Giant-Man, Goliath and Yellow Jacket, he's been an innovative scientist, a famed super-hero, an abusive spouse and more! What demons drive a man like Hank Pym? How did he begin his career as a super-hero? ANT MAN SEASON tells the story of the man behind the myth and reveals the fears and paranoia that propelled him to greatest heights and the darkest depths!

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Ant-Man: Season One

  • Автор:
  • ID: 2152815
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 74.00 р.