Rod Campbell, the creator of DEAR ZOO, has been a trusted name in early learning for over 30 years and Macmillan is proud to publish EARLY STARTERS, his 'first concepts' series for toddlers. Every book in the series supports the learning and discovery of a key theme and uses carefully selected novelty elements to encourage participation and fun. ABC is a first alphabet book that introduces your child to letters and sounds. There are chunky, tabbed pages to turn as they learn about the alphabet with the help of a gently rhyming story and a collection of farm and zoo animals. Also available: 123, WHAT'S THAT?, HOW MANY?, MY DAY and CAN YOU?

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  • Автор: Campbell Rod
  • UPC: 2015
  • ID: 2045061
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 23.80 р.