• French to go. A Weekend's Worth of Essential Words and Phrases
Getting to grips with a foreign language is never easy, and most phrase books are too chunky and convoluted to help you when you really need it. French to go is here to help. Using everyday French for everyday scenarios, this book is your passport to survival at the airport, in bars and restaurants, hotels or wherever you end up. Providing you with essential words and phrases for the most practical of situations, all with phonetic pronunciations to make tackling French that little bit easier, French to go has you covered.

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French to go. A Weekend's Worth of Essential Words and Phrases

  • Производитель: Michael O'Mara
  • Автор:
  • UPC: 2014
  • ID: 1845486
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 18.30 р.