• Just Ride: A Radically Practical Guide to Riding Your Bike
Just Ride is the single best book for any newly passionate or well-established bike rider. It simplifies bike riding to the essentials, plus plenty of fun, smart stuff. As the author of this manifesto on the best way to ride, Grant Petersen takes no prisoners. His wise words will muffle the noisy show-offs who tout unnecessary extras and his declarative statements will negate the damaging advice that tells you to ride in a way that's just bad for you. New riders will get off on the right pedal and experienced riders will be able to think clearly again with advice from an expert.

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Just Ride: A Radically Practical Guide to Riding Your Bike

  • Автор:
  • UPC: 2013
  • ID: 1660753
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 45.20 р.