• Dark Tower. Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger continues with one of the series' most shocking, blood-curdling stories yet - a retelling of author Stephen King's original novella The Little Sisters of Eluria, later compiled in the anthology Everything's Eventual. Join Roland Deschain as he explores Mid-World's darkest corners. Surviving a near death attack , Roland is taken in by a group of nuns who specialize in anything but the healing arts. Collecting: Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Little Sisters of Eluria 1-5

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Dark Tower. Gunslinger: The Little Sisters of Eluria

  • Автор: David Peter
  • UPC: 2013
  • ID: 1394725
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 53.60 р.