• Performing Architecture: Opera Houses, Theatres and Concert Halls for the Twenty-first Century
Profusely illustrated with photographs, computer renderings and architectural drawings, Performing Architecture explores fifty of today's finest performance spaces, as well as recently refurbished, restored and transformed buildings. A brief introduction traces the post-war development of theatre and concert hall design, and sets out the circumstances today that have led to such a rich provision for performance. Buildings featured range from Frank Gehry's landmark Disney Opera House in Los Angeles to the quieter Unicorn Theatre for Children in London; and from the Tenerife Opera House by Santiago Calatrava to the Guangzhou Opera House, China, by Zaha Hadid. A celebratory study, this book showcases some of the most exhilarating buildings of our time.

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Performing Architecture: Opera Houses, Theatres and Concert Halls for the Twenty-first Century

  • Производитель: Merrell Publishing
  • Автор: Hammond Michael
  • UPC: 2006
  • ID: 1226350
  • Доступность: На складе
  • 127.80 р.