Oxford University Press

Children's Jazz Chants Old and New: Student Book / Carolyn Graham

Children's Jazz Chants Old and New: Student Book / Carolyn Graham

The best of the classic Jazz Chants for Children, along with a collection of new chants and songs by..

83.00 р.

Children's Literature / Reynolds Kimberley

Children's Literature / Reynolds Kimberley

Children's literature takes many forms - works adapted for children in antiquity, picture books and ..

21.20 р.

China's Remarkable Economic Growth / Knight John

China's Remarkable Economic Growth / Knight John

How has the Chinese economy managed to grow at such a remarkable rate - no less than ten per cent pe..

167.50 р.

Chinese Literature / Knight Sabina

Chinese Literature / Knight Sabina

Perhaps nowhere else has literature been as conscious a collective endeavor as in China, and China's..

17.50 р.

Chit Chat 1: Flashcards

Chit Chat 1: Flashcards

A two-level course that challenges young learners, developing skills in reading and writing as well ..

46.50 р.

Chit Chat 2: Flashcards

Chit Chat 2: Flashcards


59.10 р.

Chit Chat. Teacher's Book 1 / Shipton Paul

Chit Chat. Teacher's Book 1 / Shipton Paul

Chit Chat follows the same syllabus as the popular Chatterbox course and is a communicative four-ski..

40.10 р.



Containing the book and an access card with audio download. You can drink it, and you can cook with ..

25.80 р.

Chocolate / Janet Hardy-Gould

Chocolate / Janet Hardy-Gould

You can drink it, and you can cook with it. You can even make buildings, dresses, and hats out of it..

14.20 р.

Chocolate (+ Audio CD) / Janet Hardy-Gould

Chocolate (+ Audio CD) / Janet Hardy-Gould

Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford ..

25.80 р.

Choice Theory / Allingham Michael

Choice Theory / Allingham Michael

We make choices all the time - about trivial matters, about how to spend our money, about how to spe..

17.50 р.

Chopsticks / Berkeley Jon

Chopsticks / Berkeley Jon

On a restaurant on a boat, in faraway Hong Kong, lives a little mouse. This enchanting story tells o..

24.90 р.

Christian Art / Williamson Beth

Christian Art / Williamson Beth

Christian images have a long history within the Western art tradition from the narrative and devotio..

21.20 р.

Christian Ethics / D. Stephen Long

Christian Ethics / D. Stephen Long

This Very Short Introduction to Christian ethics introduces the topic by examining its sources and h..

21.20 р.

Christianity / Woodhead Linda

Christianity / Woodhead Linda

At a time when Christianity is flourishing in the Southern hemisphere but declining in much of the W..

21.00 р.

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